May Flowers Bring Bridal Showers / by Amanda Liew

Oh the changes that life will bring! Back in the summer of 2010, I was a wee little intern in the city. I was a little lost, a whole lot confused, and pretty darn lonely. Fortunately, I stumbled upon an incredible community group at my church which was specifically for interns and recent grads. It was in that circle where I first began extending myself, both in terms of new relationships and new experiences. I met incredible people from different facets and stages of life, one of them being a wonderfully quirky girl named Kristin who had a dream internship with a designer! Fast forward to 2013 when I moved to the city full time, and I joined a different community group at a different church, only to walk in and see Kristin sitting right there! Our lives were meant to intersect yet again, and since then it has been such a life-affirming friendship! Now in 2015, I had the honor of being a Witness in her bridal party and listen to her & Johnny exchange their vows. These photos are a couple of snapshots from her bridal shower back in May - she was already such a beautiful bride even before the big day! The lovely pale pinks are just a perfect backdrop to her stunning dress, don't you think?